Contact the Media Team

OU Health offers the news media a wealth of expert resources on almost any medically related topic. OU Health media relations and storytelling team specialists are available for all your inquiries and as a source for story ideas about the latest advances in healthcare treatments.

Contact Our Team

OU Health media relations and storytelling team can be reached 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via our hotline at (405) 271-6864 or by e-mail at

Our team is available to help:

  • Provide information – Offering accurate and up-to date information about OU Health, press releases or events
  • Arrange interviews – Coordinating interviews with subject matter experts
  • Respond to inquiries – Responding promptly and transparently to any health-related media requests
  • Obtain patient condition reports – OU Health, at its discretion, can release information in response to a media request, provided that the media is able to provide the patient’s full name
  • Provide multimedia content – Supplying reporters with photos, videos, and other multimedia content
  • Facilitate site visits – Coordinating and facilitating visits for reporters, including requests to videotape or shoot still photography within our facilities when feasible

For issues related to research or academics at The University of Oklahoma or The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences, contact OU's media relations team.

OU Health’s policy requires any journalist or photographer working in one of our facilities, including all hospitals and outpatient locations, to be escorted by a media relations and storytelling team member.

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